The United States, through the United Nations, supports anti-Al-Shabaab operations in Somalia with two million dollars - Dream Smart


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The United States, through the United Nations, supports anti-Al-Shabaab operations in Somalia with two million dollars

 The United States Department of State has granted $2 million to the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) Trust Fund to strengthen the fight against Al-Shabaab in the country.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the United States announced that this funding will be used for transportation and in-theater medical evacuations for Somali security forces, consistent with the mission of the United Nations Support Office in Somalia.

Chargé d'Affairs at the US Embassy in Mogadishu, Shane Dixon, stressed the critical role of strong logistical support to Somali security forces and AMISOM forces in their battle against Al-Shabaab.

“It is important that Somali security forces and AMISOM forces have the strong logistical support needed to defeat Al-Shabaab on the battlefield,” Dixon said. We are proud to support the United Nations Somalia Support Office, a key partner of the United States and Somalia, in our shared goal of promoting peace. “.

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