Saturday, September 30, 2023

National Intelligence arrests an arms smuggler to Al-Shabaab

National Intelligence arrests an arms smuggler to Al-Shabaab

The National Intelligence Agency has arrested an arms smuggler to Al-Shabaab five months after the agency seized two illicit shipments containing military equipment and explosive materials at the Mogadishu sea port.

In a statement issued on Friday, the intelligence agency revealed that 28-year-old Zakaria Kamal Sufi Ababa Sheikh, also known as Zaki, was arrested while trying to enter an area controlled by Al-Shabaab without specifying the location.

According to the statement, Kamal is the mastermind behind a network responsible for purchasing military equipment from abroad for Al-Shabaab. The intelligence agency confirmed that the group hid military equipment within commercial shipments, which the agency had seized at the Mogadishu seaport in May of this year.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The United States confirms its intention to continue the war against Al-Shabaab

The United States confirms its intention to continue the war against Al-Shabaab

Nairobi - US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed his country's intention to continue the war against the Al-Shabaab movement in Somalia, and pointed to the obstacles that the Somali army, which the United States supports, sometimes faced in the war.

Austin made this statement after the Somali federal government submitted a request to postpone the second phase of the withdrawal of African forces from its country for three months to the UN Security Council.

The United States is making efforts to rebuild the Somali army, especially the special forces known as “Danab,” which are participating in the war against the Al-Shabaab movement.

Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who met with the US Secretary of Defense in Djibouti, asked Washington to provide support to his government, which faces challenges from Al-Shabaab fighters.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

569,000 people have been displaced due to conflict and insecurity in Somalia

569,000 people have been displaced due to conflict and insecurity in Somalia

On Tuesday, the World Health Organization reported that ongoing conflict and insecurity had displaced about 569,000 people in Somalia in the first eight months of the year.

The organization stated that the Somali government's ongoing counter-insurgency operations against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement and the tensions that followed clan conflicts continue to cause insecurity and displacement in the country.

The World Health Organization said in its latest report issued in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia: “Of the 1.42 million new displaced people nationwide in 2023, 569,000 people were displaced due to conflict and insecurity.”

Government forces intensified their military operations against the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement, which was involved in a series of attacks, especially in Mogadishu and the central and southern regions.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The US Secretary of Defense praises the progress of Somali forces in the war against Al-Shabaab

US Secretary of Defense

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Somali forces had made “impressive progress” in the fight against Al-Shabaab, but warned that the terrorist group was still capable of “exporting terrorism from ungoverned places.”

“I think they (Somali forces) made more progress last year than they had in the previous five years,” Austin told reporters in Djibouti.

Austin met with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Djibouti on Sunday, as part of his first visit to the African continent as Minister of Defense.

Earlier, Austin met with the President of Djibouti and the Minister of Defense, and thanked them for hosting the primary base of the United States in Africa and supporting Somalia in its war against extremist groups.

Monday, September 25, 2023

The military court issues prison sentences to members of Al-Shabaab

The military court issues prison sentences

The Military Court of First Instance issued various prison sentences to members of Al-Shabaab accused of membership and cooperation with the movement

The court sentenced Hawa Osman Abdi, who admitted belonging to the Al-Shabaab movement and storing weapons that the fighters were using in their operations in Mogadishu and neighboring areas, to 8 years in prison.

The court also convicted Awal Adam Jama of spying for Al-Shabaab and sentenced him to 10 years in prison with hard labour.

It also sentenced Hassan Ali Hassan, who was driving a taxi and transporting people to places controlled by Al-Shabaab, to one year in prison and to be under police surveillance, and released Mahmoud Abdi Hussein, who was proven innocent in court.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Somali President meets the US Secretary of Defense in Djibouti

Somali President

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who is currently in Djibouti, met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who began an African tour today that includes Djibouti, Kenya and Angola.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed a range of issues, with a particular focus on security cooperation to confront Al-Shabaab threats linked to Al-Qaeda.

The American Minister described the Al-Shabaab movement as a “difficult challenge” that “will not stop overnight,” stressing that the matter will continue to require consistent and sustainable cooperation between America and its partners in East Africa.

It is worth noting that the US Army supports the Somali Armed Forces through training, advising, and carrying out air strikes against Al-Shabaab fighters.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Somali forces announced the killing of 27 Al-Shabaab fighters in central Somalia

Somali forces

Somali forces announced that they killed 27 Al-Shabaab members during a military operation in Galmudug state in central Somalia.

The Somali army said in a brief statement published on its account on the “X” platform: “More than 27 Kharijite militants were eliminated in a successful operation by the Somali National Army.”

According to the statement, the operation that took place in the areas located on the border between the Mudug and Galdud regions of Galmudug state resulted in the destruction of 3 bases belonging to the movement, in addition to the destruction of their military vehicles and equipment.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Ethiopian army announces the killing of 400 Al-Shabaab fighters in a failed attack

Ethiopian army

The Ethiopian National Defense Forces announced on Wednesday that they had killed about 462 Al-Shabaab fighters after a failed attack by the armed group.

The forces said in a press statement that the fighters were killed in the town of “Rabbouri” in southwestern Somalia after they attempted to attack a unit of the National Defense Forces that was present in that area.

According to the statement issued by the Ethiopian forces, the armed group attempted to use 12 suicide bombers and three explosive-laden vehicles in the failed attack.

The same statement stated that the Ethiopian army had previously thwarted several attempts by Al-Shabaab to infiltrate eastern Ethiopia to carry out cross-border attacks.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

President Mahmoud appoints two military commanders to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud appointed iron commanders of the Somali army to accelerate the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabaab

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud appointed two strong commanders of the Somali army to accelerate the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabaab in Galmudug and Hirshabelle states.

According to a decree issued by the presidency, President Mahmoud issued a decree appointing Brigadier General Madi Nouri Sheikh as Deputy Commander of the National Army, and Dih Abdi Abdullah was appointed as the new Commander of the Land Forces after being promoted to the rank of Major General.

The presidential statement stressed the collective responsibility of Somali citizens in efforts to liberate the country from the grip of Al-Shabaab, stressing the importance of these appointments.

This appointment comes about two weeks after the President announced the arrest of several military officers responsible for the withdrawal of forces from the front lines in Galgadud Governorate, which led to a setback to the ongoing army operations in Galmadug Province.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Military movements begin against Al-Shabaab movement west of Hiran province

Somali army

Military movements have begun by militias affiliated with the clans residing in the western regions of Hiran region in Hirshabelle state to participate in operations against Al-Shabaab.

Many militias have been gathered in the cities of Beledweyne and Juel to fight alongside the Somali army, which is expected to begin military operations against Al-Shabaab in the western regions of Hiran region.

It should be noted that Somali clans play a pivotal role in the battles waged by Somali government forces against Al-Shabaab in the country's various regions.

Last year, tribal militias contributed to liberating the eastern regions of Hiran province from the Al-Shabaab movement, as well as large areas in Middle Shabelle region, and they play the same role in the military operations currently taking place in Galmudug state.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Liberating two areas in Mudug region from Al-Shabaab

Somali army

Mogadishu - A statement issued by the federal government confirmed that the national army, with the support of local militias, took control of the areas of Sargu and Qadad in the Mudug region in the center of the country on Saturday.

The statement stated that more than 30 Al-Shabaab members were killed in that operation, while four military vehicles were destroyed, two vehicles were seized, and many weapons were confiscated.

The statement indicated that the army and the brave people are carrying out combing operations in the two liberated areas located on the outskirts of the city of Amara.

The Somali government expressed its gratitude to the people who decided to stand up to the enemies of the Somali nation and also stand by the national army.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Violent fighting between the Ethiopian army and members of the Al-Shabaab movement in Bakool

Ethiopian army

Violent fighting broke out between the Ethiopian arAmy and l-Shabaab militants on Sunday morning in the “Boawo” area of ​​the “Rabbouri” town in Bakool region, southwestern Somalia.

The violent confrontations, in which both sides used various weapons, came after an ambush set up by gunmen for Ethiopian forces that were heading to the city of Wajid in the region.

The extent of the human losses resulting from the fighting is not yet clear, and there has been no official comment from the South West State or the Ethiopian forces affiliated with the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia, “Atmis,” on the fighting, which continued for several hours.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Al-Shabaab attacks a dynamic Somali base in Galdud Governorate

 Yesterday, Friday, Al-Shabaab militants launched an attack on a Somali military base on the outskirts of the “Ail Lahli” area in the Galgadud region of Galmudug state in central Somalia.

According to local residents, both sides used heavy weapons, which led to a disruption of communications within the area. The extent of the casualties resulting from this attack is currently unknown.

Government officials declined to comment on the attack while Al-Shabaab claimed to have taken control of the area. The movement's claim has not been independently verified.

The attack occurred hours after the head of the Galmudug regional state, Ahmed Abdi Kareh “Gor Gor,” survived a suicide bombing in the “Las Gami” area of ​​the Medug region, but two members of the federal parliament were injured in the attack.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Al-Shabaab members were arrested in Mogadishu

The authorities of the Banadir region indicated that they arrested members of the Al-Shabaab movement who fled the fighting fronts and arrived in Mogadishu to hide there and cause security problems.

The head of the Wartanbda District administration, Zainab Habsi, indicated that her administration began conducting patrols and that the administration succeeded in arresting members of the Al-Shabaab movement who infiltrated the district.

She also said that the administration is searching for other members who received information about their entry into the capital, and called on the people to cooperate with the security services.

It should be noted that the security situation in Mogadishu has improved significantly in recent months, but Al-Shabaab fighters are still trying to destabilize security in the city by carrying out bombings or assassinations.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Soldiers who participated in the defeat of Al-Shabaab fighters in Udighli

Awdigli – General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyiddin, Commander of the Somali National Army, arrived in the Awdigli area, in the Lower Shabelle Region, on Monday.

His visit came hours after an Al-Shabaab attack targeted a military base containing forces from the Gurgur Brigade of the Somali National Army in Awdegli.

The commander met with the army officers and praised them for repelling the Al-Shabaab attack, killing up to 60 fighters. He conveyed to them the greetings of the President of the Republic, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, and stated that all the soldiers who participated in the operation had been promoted with two grades.

General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyiddin said that the Kharijites failed for the third time in their attempt to compromise the security of Udigli, which indicates the determination and vigilance of the army in defending the country.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Somali forces hold a key base following an Al-Shabaab attack

Somali government forces were able to repel an Al-Shabaab attack on a major military base in the Lower Shabelle region in the south of the country.

Officials said that hundreds of gunmen attacked government forces in the town of Odigli, located on the bank of the Shabelle River, early on Sunday.

The attack led to the outbreak of violent fighting between Al-Shabaab fighters and government forces that have controlled the town since August 2019, when they expelled the militants from it.

Local residents reported that the militants who attacked the town from two directions - the north and the west - entered parts of the base before government forces overcame them.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Al-Shabaab fighters attack a Somali army base in Lower Shabelle region

Awdigli - Fighters from the Al-Shabaab movement linked to Al-Qaeda attacked at dawn today a Somali army military base in the town of Awdigli in the Lower Shabelle region of southwestern Somalia.

Somali government forces reportedly resisted the fighters who began their attack by detonating a car bomb that targeted a security checkpoint for the forces in the town, which is about 85 kilometers from the capital, Mogadishu.

Security sources said that Al-Shabaab militants tried to seize the town of Odigli, but they faced stiff resistance from Somali forces, forcing them to retreat.

It is not yet known the size of the losses resulting from the attack, while no official comment was issued by the Somali federal government on what happened.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The head of the Dusemreb administration reveals a smart and beautiful youth movement

 Abd al-Rahman Ali Ahmed “Gidagoro”, head of Dusemreeb administration, the capital of Galmudug state, revealed a new strategy in military operations against Al-Shabaab.

Guidagoro pointed out that in the past, the Somali army and its allies used to target cities and towns, but they have now decided to target the villages belonging to the towns first and clear them of fighters before storming the cities.

He added that the new tactic prevents Al-Shabaab fighters from launching counter-attacks from villages after losing control of cities, which was causing problems for government forces and sometimes leading to their withdrawal from liberated cities.

This comes at a time when officials confirmed the Somali government’s approval to give the tribal militias the leadership role in the war against the Al-Shabaab movement, with the role of the Somali army being to support those militias after the regular forces faced problems in dealing with Al-Shabaab members who disappeared in the forests and remote areas.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Somali army repelled an attack by Al-Shabaab on a military base in the Nur Daghli area

Early this morning, Al-Shabaab launched a major attack on a Somali military base in the Nur Daghli area in Middle Shabelle region, Hirshabelle state.

The attack began with the detonation of a car bomb at the entrance to the Somali forces' military base to allow foot fighters to enter, according to local villagers.

It was reported that fierce fighting lasted for an hour between the forces stationed at the targeted base and the attackers, but the death toll resulting from the fighting is still unknown.

Military officials who spoke to official media said that the army repelled the attack on the base, which included government and local forces.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The United States, through the United Nations, supports anti-Al-Shabaab operations in Somalia with two million dollars

 The United States Department of State has granted $2 million to the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) Trust Fund to strengthen the fight against Al-Shabaab in the country.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the United States announced that this funding will be used for transportation and in-theater medical evacuations for Somali security forces, consistent with the mission of the United Nations Support Office in Somalia.

Chargé d'Affairs at the US Embassy in Mogadishu, Shane Dixon, stressed the critical role of strong logistical support to Somali security forces and AMISOM forces in their battle against Al-Shabaab.

“It is important that Somali security forces and AMISOM forces have the strong logistical support needed to defeat Al-Shabaab on the battlefield,” Dixon said. We are proud to support the United Nations Somalia Support Office, a key partner of the United States and Somalia, in our shared goal of promoting peace. “.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Somali government announces the death of 43 Al-Shabaab members


The Somali government announced the killing of 43 members of the Al-Shabaab movement in an operation carried out by the national forces against the movement in the Galgadud region in the center of the country.

The government indicated that the operation also destroyed 3 vehicles belonging to al-Shabaab militants who were targeted as they were planning to launch an attack.

Government forces, with the support of local militias, were also able to repel an attack by fighters on the village of "Dar al-Naim" in the Middle Shabelle region, and the gunmen who were trying to infiltrate the village were pushed back.

The government, with the support of its international partners, has made significant progress in defeating Al-Shabaab and liberating lands from its fighters since last year.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Thousands of families return to the city of Lasaanoud

Thousands of families have begun to return to the city of “Las Anoud”, the administrative capital of the “Soul” region, from which they fled after the conflict broke out there last February.

The return came after the Khatima administration took control of the situation in the city and removed the Somaliland army, which had been bombing the city in recent months.

Life in Lasaanoud is returning to its normal form through the reopening of shops and the provision of basic social services.

And after three volumes of Lasanod after violent meetings in the sports city between the Somaliland army and anti-militias.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The President assumes leadership of the government coalition forces from several reasons as a result of mistakes, and undertakes to describe the war game against the youth

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

The President of the Republic, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, acknowledged the withdrawal of government forces from several fronts as a result of technical errors in a battle that took place in the village of “Uswein” in the Galgadud region in central Somalia.

The President pledged to continue the war against Al-Shabaab until it is eliminated, pointing to the efforts made by his government to raise the morale of its armed forces and encourage them to return to the front lines, including offering them rewards to prevent their withdrawal from the battlefield.

The president pointed the finger at a few people he did not name who he said were working to thwart the efforts made by the Somali government to defeat Al-Shabaab, explaining that they were no different from the terrorist group.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The African Union Mission pledges to support the Somali army in its fight against Al-Shabaab

The African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMS) reaffirmed its commitment to support the ongoing Somali-led military offensive against Al-Shabaab militants to ensure peace and security in the country before its exit in December 2024.

"Our goal and all stakeholders in this mission is to see a safer, more stable and prosperous Somalia that is at peace with itself and with the rest of the world," said the mission's force commander, General Sam Okeding.

Okeding pointed out that the focus is on strengthening the capabilities of the Somali security forces to assume security responsibilities for the country, with Atamis gradually withdrawing its forces.

He praised the Atmis forces for carrying out joint military operations with the Special Security Forces in the Galgadud region after their success in defeating the Al-Shabaab movement in the governorates of Lower Juba, Lower Shabelle, Hiran and Middle Shabelle.