25 members of Al-Shabaab were killed in two Somali army operations - Dream Smart


Sunday, August 13, 2023

25 members of Al-Shabaab were killed in two Somali army operations

The Somali army announced that it had killed 25 Al-Shabaab militants today in two separate operations in the Lower Shabelle and Lower Juba regions, in the south of the country.

The first operation, which resulted in the killing of 18 Al-Shabaab militants, took place in the villages of Balad Al-Amin and Balad Al-Karim in the Lower Shabelle region, while the second operation, which killed 7 Al-Shabaab militants, took place in villages belonging to the “Janai Abdallah” area in the Lower Juba Governorate.

It is noteworthy that the Somali forces, backed by tribal fighters and international partners, have recently intensified their military operations in areas still under the control of the Al-Shabaab movement, which is linked to Al-Qaeda.

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