Al-Shabaab movement seizes a base in the Gedo region from which the African forces withdrew - Dream Smart


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Al-Shabaab movement seizes a base in the Gedo region from which the African forces withdrew

Reports received from the Gedo region in the state of Jubaland in southern Somalia indicated that Al-Shabaab fighters had captured the “Greili” area in the region, where there was a military base from which the African forces withdrew at the end of last month.

Officials in the state of Jubbaland confirmed that Al-Shabaab fighters launched an attack this afternoon on the area and managed to seize it, after clashes that resulted in the deaths of three people.

Al-Shabaab said that it had seized a base in the “Greeli” area, which belonged to the Kenyan Defense Forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia.

Greeley is a strategic location, 12 kilometers from the Kenyan border, and was one of the six bases from which the African Union peacekeeping forces withdrew, as part of the reduction of those forces before their complete withdrawal from Somalia at the end of December next year.

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