Monday, June 5, 2023

The trial of two Ugandan officers for negligence in dealing with the Al-Shabaab attack on Bolomerere

Ugandan forces

The Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, announced that two Ugandan army officers working within the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia “Atmis” will face a military trial.

President Museveni stated that the two commanders ordered the troops to retreat during the May 26 attack launched by Al-Shabaab on the African Forces base in Bulo Mrir district in Lower Shabelle region, south of the capital, Mogadishu.

He added, “The mistake was made by two commanders, Major Oloka and Major Obo, who ordered the soldiers to retreat. They have been arrested and will face charges in the military court.”

The Ugandan president had confirmed the killing of 54 of his country's soldiers in the Al-Shabaab attack on their base in the Lower Shabelle region, in one of the most attacks on the Ugandan forces of the African Union.

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