Sunday, June 25, 2023

Accusing Somaliland forces of randomly bombing the city of Lasanod

The Khatimah administration accused Somaliland forces of indiscriminately bombing the city of Lasanod, the center of the Sool region, killing civilians, and destroying property.

The administration indicated in a statement that Somaliland had carried out its threats made by its army commander earlier this June to bomb the city and accused the Somaliland authorities of committing war crimes.

The statement called on the Somali federal government and the international community to shoulder their responsibilities in protecting the residents of Lasanod and to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes committed against them.

It is noteworthy that since February 2023, the city of Lasanod has been witnessing a conflict between Somaliland forces and opposing forces that seized the city after unrest, and the efforts made to stop the conflict and resolve the dispute at the negotiating table did not succeed.

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