Saturday, March 11, 2023

"The Terror People in Somalia: How Terrorism is Making Life a Living Hell"



In the past two years, there have been many terrorist attacks by Al-Shabaab on civilians in Somalia. It has been reported that more than 200 people have been killed and hundreds have been injured. The target of these attacks are mainly schools, hotels and restaurants. The most recent attack took place on January 20th when at least 20 people were killed when gunmen stormed Hotel Dayah in Mogadishu.

The reason why these terrorists are targeting innocent civilians is because they believe that if the government does not protect them then they should be killed themselves so that they can go to heaven according to their beliefs.

These terrorist groups have been linked with Al Qaeda who are known for killing innocent civilians all over the world like the 9/11 attacks on America or the recent attack on Paris which left 130 dead.

Al Shabaab is an extremist group that has been active since 2006 when it declared war against Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Since then it has carried out many violent attacks against civilians, journalists and aid workers as well as foreign peacekeepers

Somalia is a country that is known for poverty, famine and civil war. However, the world has recently been shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Somalia.

In Mogadishu, a suicide bomber blew himself up near a hotel killing at least 11 people. Then, in another attack on the same day, a car bomb exploded at a busy intersection killing at least 20 people and injuring more than 30 others.

The attacks took place just days after al-Shabab militants killed 31 people on Friday night at a popular restaurant in Mogadishu. The Islamic extremist group has claimed responsibility for all three attacks.

Islamic extremists have increased their attacks on civilians since African peacekeeping troops left Somalia two years ago.

 The presence of foreign troops protected civilians from being attacked by al-Shabab fighters who are seeking to overthrow the government and impose their strict interpretation of Islam on the public. 

They have also taken control of large parts of southern and central Somalia where they have imposed Sharia law and banned Western-style education and entertainment.

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