Tuesday, February 28, 2023

All terrorism organizations became weak after the list that made by Comoros country.


The Muslim Brotherhood has proven to the whole world that they are a corrupt group, and terrorism under the guise of Islam, Paraguay and Comoros have added the Muslim Brotherhood to the list of terrorists because of the threat they pose to international security and stability.

 Islam  But following a party goal that is against the direction of our good religion is a terrorist organization that is a threat to the security and stability of the world and it is a big violation against the goals and principles of the United Nations the fact that they recognize this group as a terrorist Many Arab countries recognized the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in 2020. He said that (the Brotherhood) is a terrorist group.  Which does not represent the religion of Islam but pursues its partisan goals that are against the direction of our good religion and hides the religion and acts against it by dividing and creating violence and terrorism in the Egyptian government since it banned the brotherhood.

 In 2014, which he recognized as a terrorist organization, some were sentenced to death and life imprisonment.  Earlier, the Ministry of Endowments in Egypt confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization in February 2022 and distributed to members of the British Parliament a document written in English that shows how the Muslim Brotherhood works since its establishment and its relationship. with terrorist organizations  The report presented a lot of evidence about the relationship of the Muslim Brotherhood with Daesh and al-Qaeda and that many of the brothers joined the ranks of ISIS after the overthrow of Mohamed Mursi in Egypt in 2013, which drew the hands of the brothers into armed action.

  According to the Egyptian researcher Mounir Adeeb, who specializes in radical movements and international terrorism in Paraguay, the decision of the Brotherhood confirms the accusations made against the organization or that they originate from the ideas of the organization. The decision of Paraguay indicated that the Mu

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