Monday, January 23, 2023

Five of terrorist armed people raid building of Mogadishu municipality headquarters after exploding a car out of it .


 Yesterday, a group of Khawarij militias attacked the Banadir Regional Government Center, but fortunately the security forces who were very alert carried out a two-part operation.

In the first part, which was the rescue of the officials and citizens in the area, the army carried out as planned and managed to get them out of there safely.

The second part of the army's operation, which was to end the Khawarij militias, was completed by the army by shooting the Khawarij group which consisted of 6 conspirators. In the Khawarij attack, 5 civilians were martyred and four others were injured

These barbaric acts by the Khawarij prove to the government and the people of Somalia that it is necessary to completely expel the Khawarij from the Somali region, while the war to liberate the country from the Khawarij is going on.

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