Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas Season 2022 - Christ Child invites us to believe in peace.


 The birth of Jesus is the most powerful sign and message of hope in a world darkened by the shadows of fear and uncertainty. Each year, Vatican Radio brings you the voices of religious leaders and heads of Christian charitable organizations as they reflect upon the transformative power of the Good News that “Christ is born!” Today's message comes from Fr Tom Smolich, SJ, international director of Jesuit Relief Services

Fr Tom Smolich, the international director of Jesuit Relief Services, says the coming of the Christ Child “means that the seeds of peace, the hope for something new, is already with us.”

He recalled a recent visit to Bucharest, where he saw Romanians and Ukrainian refugees working together “to create a sense of welcome to nourish and kindle the hope that people will bring with them even in the darkest hours.”

“If we can be open to the power of the message of the Prince of Peace,” says Fr Smolich, “the hope for peace will indeed be fulfilled.”

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