Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Top tech trends to watch in maritime.


 Amid this uncertainty, the only certain thing is that business leaders can plan ahead better by understanding the trends that may affect innovation in the next few years. What are the tech trends that are expected to shape the near future of the maritime industry?

A new analysis by the McKinsey Technology Council identified 14 of the most significant technology trends unfolding today that are expected to revolutionize operations in a wide range of sectors. SAFETY4SEA picked the most relevant ones to the shipping, oil and gas, and the logistics sector, presenting their potential impact on these sectors.

Closely related to machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) describes machines or computers behaving in ways that we previously believed required human intelligence. AI enables the transformation to paperless and automated procedures, bringing cost reductions and speed by eliminating routine tasks. Automating processes enabled through AI can help identify problems before they happen, so AI is considered a major boost to effective decision-making.

An advancement in connectivity protocols, such as 5G/6G cellular, wireless low-power networks, low-Earth-orbit satellites, and other technologies, enable solutions that can drive growth and productivity across a wide range of industries.

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