Saturday, October 29, 2022

Engineers Train Members On Mgt Skills.

Engineers .

 Consistent with its commitment to broaden and deepen it members in other aspects of life outside engineering profession, the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), has at the weekend trained members on management skills.

This training is part of the NSE Abuja Branch, general meeting which holds at the end of every month. This month topic is; ‘Essential etiquette cooperate:key to polishing the professional edge’ held at the NSE’s headquarters Abuja.

He said, “In every day of our lives we think about engineering and we get to certain age in our lives may be in 60th for those who are working in public offices. May be for those who are civil service, at 60th you will be talking about retirement or even before you will retire, you will not be talking about social life.

“So as a chief engineer, once you get to assistant director, you are no longer talking about designs, but you must have trained people who will be doing designs. So you will be talking about management.

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