Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Use This Site to Get a Deeper Look at Your Favorite Video Game Maps.

video games

 Part of what makes video games so darn fun is the pure exploration. Us 90s gamers remember how huge Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule Field felt for the first time, or how realistic Grand Theft Auto III’s Liberty City seemed. While these games are still just as fun to explore today, modern tech makes it possible to take that exploration a major step forward, by allowing you to fly through the entire map on your own time.

Created by Jasper St. Pierre, the site, noclip, is unassuming at first. Once it loads, you’re greeted by an almost entirely blank screen, save for a list of 75 games in the top left, categorized by system. The list leans heavily Nintendo, with games such as Mario Kart Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Super Mario Galaxy, but there are plenty of other games here, as well, including Half-Life, Portal, and Dark Souls.

When you click on a game, you’ll see any and all available levels and areas for you to choose from. Some games have a ton of options; others, not so much. Think open-world versus the rest: Some games have one big world to explore, while others have many different areas tied together.

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