Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Hawiye clans are meeting to discuss the security and political situation in the country.


 The Habar-Gidir Leadership Council has called for an urgent meeting of the Hawiye Clan to discuss the security and political situation in the country.

The council also supported Prime Minister Roble's government in the smooth running of the election, and opposed Farmajo's obstruction of the election.

The council also warned the armed forces to stay out of politics and not to work for spoilers.

They called on the international community to impose sanctions on those who oppose the country's elections.

"The Habar-Gidir Leadership Council warns the outgoing leaders of violating the law and the constitution, as well as obstructing elections. The council declares that this will not be accepted by the people and will be held accountable by those who oppose it," the statement said. -the statement.

A solution must be found at the expected meeting of the Hawiye people to thwart Farmajo's attempt to disrupt the election.

Every Somali who aspires to support his country to bring peace to Somalia, must support Prime Minister Robley to hold free and fair elections.

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