Garbaharey seats transferred to Ceel Waaq - Dream Smart


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Garbaharey seats transferred to Ceel Waaq


The Federal Electoral Implementation Team [FEIT] has relocated Jubbaland constituency 2 from Garbaharey to Ceel Waaq, according to a recent GHDHF letter.

The commission said it was necessary to elect 16 seats before the parliamentary and presidential elections, and said there was a security challenge in Garbaharey.

The commission accused the Garbaharey administration of obstructing members of the Electoral Implementation Committee from visiting the town to monitor the security situation.

"The committee has decided to change the election from Garbaharey to Ceel waaq in Gedo region." A statement from the FEIT Electoral Commission said.

The Jubbaland administration in southern Somalia has accused Farmajo of plotting to deploy foreign troops in the region.

It is learned that the Ethiopian military intelligence met with Kulane jiis from Farmajo's side, to plot to disrupt the Garbaharey elections.

The Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, welcomed the decision, considering the right to represent the people of Gedo Region and the importance of completing the elections.

The Prime Minister called on the Jubaland Electoral Commission [SEIT] and the Jubaland State Government to complete the remaining seats as soon as possible, so that there are no further disruptions.


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