Sunday, March 6, 2022

Farmajo's ambition to restore dictatorship


Former Somali President Farmajo on his way to Qatar, unveiled a portrait of Farmajo with the inscription ‘Somali Republic’ emblazoned with the internationally recognized ‘Federal Republic of Somalia’.

Farmajo has on several previous occasions tried to turn the system of government into a single central government to re-establish a dictatorship, and if re-elected it is certain that the federal system will be overthrown to form a dictatorship. ah.

Farmajo has gone to Qatar to raise funds to overthrow the Somali Federal Government, and he wants to turn the system of government into a dictatorship.

Serving the dictatorial regime that ruled Somalia from 1969-1990.

Farmajo, using the experience of the Siad Barre regime, has been at the forefront of several attempts to overthrow the federal system in Somalia during his tenure in order to revive the dictatorship.

Farmajo's visit to Qatar, which is at a critical juncture in the run-up to the election, is a trip to raise funds for his re-election campaign.

Qatar is Farmajo's biggest ally, and he funded his 2016-2017 election campaign with the aim of facilitating any plans for Somalia.

However, Qatar also wants the seat returned, which means Farmajo is working for Qatar and not for the Somali people.

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