Abdullahi Nasri sues Farmajo and NISA officials at the ICC. - Dream Smart


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Abdullahi Nasri sues Farmajo and NISA officials at the ICC.

Abdilahi Nasri

Colonel Abdullahi Mohamed Ali (Abdullahi Nasri), a former Jubbaland intelligence officer who was previously detained in Mogadishu, said Farmajo and his intelligence officers were being held in an international court in Mogadishu.

Abdullahi told a news conference in Nairobi that Farmajo, Fahad Yassin, Abdullahi Kullane, Yassin Farey, Abdirahman Dheere, Ibrahim Maalim and Ahmed Arab, all NISA officers who had been harassing him in custody, had been indicted by the International Criminal Court. ICC.

Colonel Abdullahi Mohamed Ali (Abdullahi Nasri), who has previously been featured on Hanoolaato, talking about NISA's atrocities at Jilicow Cave in Mogadishu, said he was paralyzed.

Colonel Abdullahi said the ICC's initial plan to pass on evidence of the abuse was well under way.

He thanked all members of the Somali community and politicians for their support in seeking justice, and prayed for the mercy of MP Amina Mohamed Abdi, who promised to take his case to the new parliament.

He also said that he had been contacted by many Western embassies, and asked them to support me in justice, as a Somali official who had been harassed by the government for their support.

Farmajo, Fahad Yassin and NISA commit crimes of torture and killings in NISA prisons against all those they deem to be opposed to Farmajo's dictatorship.
The country and its people must be arrested before it is over

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