Saturday, December 11, 2021

The fraud carried out by Farmajo to steal Parliament seats will lead to the doom of Somalia


 They also suggested rectifying the electoral process by first announcing the list of 135 Traditional Sages and ensuring that the electoral commissions were selected by the registered Traditional Sages. The opposition groups demanded the deployment of international and independent observers at the polling stations to hold free and fair elections.

The Union of Candidates had announced its readiness to run in the elections on condition that it fulfills its requirements, and in the event of its implementation, it will take the necessary steps to save the nation and hold free and fair elections .. a transitional federal government. The former Somali President and President of the Candidates Union, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, said that it would never be acceptable to waive the rights and freedoms of citizens as a constitutional right.

He stressed that the red line is an inalienable right of citizens, at a time when some citizens are deprived of their legal rights during the country's elections. The delay in the elections will anger the public opinion and lead the country to a civil war as a result of the clans' oppression in the House of Representatives elections.

Incumbent President Farmajo, if he has no one to stop him, will continue to spoil the electoral process and we must all support the decision of the Candidates Union to hold free and fair elections.

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