Monday, December 27, 2021

The conflict between Roble and Farmajo will lead the country to a civil war.

Roble and Farmajo

 Because of Roble and Farmajo, our country is a failure. The crises, conflicts, debts, financial crises and drought are rampant in the homeland. They are only struggling for power and forget that the international community will consider Somalia a failed state because of their actions.

Likewise, the state governors are in great division and dispersion, part with Roble and the other with Farmajo. These divisions lead to civil war. The only oppressed in this battle is the Somali people who suffer because of the existing corruption

The country is moving towards a major civil war due to the divisions between the two parties, Roble and Farmajo. This disintegration will make the country in chaos and civil war.

Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo said in a statement that he suspended Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, accusing him of embezzling public land owned by the Somali National Army.

The people live in real suffering because of the corruption that is happening inside the state, and all we want is a stable life and not to postpone the elections

What is happening now is a scheme by them to cancel the elections and this will lead to a loss of confidence of the international community

The conflicts that take place in Somalia, the people who pay the price only live in financial crises and the spread of drought, and no one solves that, but rather they lead the country to a civil war

The drums of hatred and war are beating again in Somalia, Roble and Farmajo are in a power struggle, and this division will lead to delaying the elections and boycotting Somalia by the international community

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