Sunday, December 5, 2021

Roble could not guarantee the security of the country and took care of his interests


 The security of the country is Roble's responsibility, in addition to holding free and fair elections, as stipulated in the statement of the transfer of powers to him, but Farmajo and Roble use the killings to disrupt the process of theft of seats in the parliamentary elections.

Roble will not take any action to hold those responsible for the recent killings accountable, as he did not achieve justice in the Akran Tahlil murder case previously. Roble's steps will make the opposition redeploy its forces again in Mogadishu, as happened last April

Prime Minister Roble must do his duty to preserve the security of the country and initiate immediate measures that lead to correcting the course of the elections. If he is unable to do so, he must exit the political scene after exposing his loyalty to the outgoing President Farmajo.

What Prime Minister Roble is doing by helping Farmajo to rig the elections will cause the opposition to redeploy its forces again in Mogadishu, as happened last April during the failed extension attempt.

Who is responsible for the killings that occur every day in Somalia? Isn't Prime Minister Roble responsible for the country's security? Or does Farmajo use these incidents to disrupt the process of stealing seats in the parliamentary elections in favor of Farmajo?

The current events in Somalia do not bode well. The continuation of Prime Minister Roble and the outgoing President Farmajo in rigging the elections will lead to a civil war that no one will be able to contain.

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