Farmajo threatens Sharmaki for his opposition to the elections - Dream Smart


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Farmajo threatens Sharmaki for his opposition to the elections


 Farmajo uses money and blackmail to practice electoral fraud. Farmajo met with former Prime Minister Sharmaki in Villa Somalia to intimidate him and prevent him from joining the opposition.

What the outgoing president is doing is exacerbating the fragile situation of the country. Farmajo offered former Prime Minister Sharmaki huge sums of money and gave him a senior position after the elections if he joined the ranks of his supporters.

It is no longer a secret of the outgoing President Farmajo's plan to rig the elections and control them, as Farmajo asked former Prime Minister Sharmaki to join his side or not to engage in election affairs at the very least, otherwise his fate will be like the fate of Ikran Tahlil and this is an explicit death threat.

These actions anger the Somali people. Farmajo has excluded many traditional figures and elders and even the opposition clans, and now it is the turn of former Prime Minister Sharmaki to remove him.

Prime Minister Roble also supports Farmajo in order to target opponents of the outgoing President Farmajo, as he is working to hide voices opposing election fraud.

The outgoing President Farmajo resorted to using repression methods and confiscating liberties after forcing the states of Jubaland, Puntland and Hirshapel to start the elections within 72 hours without addressing previous complaints of fraud.

With Farmajo continuing to rig the electoral process, the huge opposition is expanding, both among politicians, intellectuals, clans and even the general Somali people. Therefore, Farmajo, with the help of Prime Minister Roble, seeks to end the elections as soon as possible and exclude all opponents to him.

With this, Farmajo takes Somalia to the brink of collapse, as he is heading the country into a civil war as a result of his rigging of the elections, his continued oppression of the whole Somali people and his refusal to leave the presidency in any peaceful way.

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