Farmajo seeks to spread chaos in Puntland, which opposes him - Dream Smart


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Farmajo seeks to spread chaos in Puntland, which opposes him


 The outgoing president Farmajo is trying to seize the seats of the states opposing him. After his attempts to seize the seats of Jubaland and the opposition Hershapel, he moved its elections to Mogadishu. He is currently trying to control the Puntland elections by spreading chaos within the state.

He is trying to control Puntland's elections and steal its seats by spreading more violence and chaos within the state to move its elections to Mogadishu.

Farmajo also uses the US PSF commander loyal to him to cause a rift between the armed forces of Puntland so that they cannot secure the elections and thus allow himself to transfer the elections from Puntland to Mogadishu to control them and steal their seats.

And the misplaced use of US-trained forces to fight Al-Shabaab in Puntland is one of Farmajo's attempts to spread chaos in the state and its lack of control over the elections.

Therefore, Farmajo is considered the first responsible for the chaos and bloody escalation in Bossaso and the escalation of the PSF forces against the government forces. He is the biggest beneficiary of this fight by spreading chaos in the states opposed to it.

After the external funding for Somalia was cut off due to the corruption of Farmajo and his government. Donor countries will also stop training more troops because Farmajo is using US trained and equipped forces to fight al-Shabab misplaced. Farmajo is taking Somalia to the brink of collapse.

Therefore, all the presidents of the territories opposed to Farmajo must unite with the Union of Candidates and the opposition to confront Farmajo's brutality and theft of the elections.

The Somali people also support and support the decision of the Union of Candidates to boycott the elections, and we demand direct action against Farmajo, as happened during the previous extension attempt.

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