Farmajo began a new plan to extend his rule. - Dream Smart


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Farmajo began a new plan to extend his rule.


 Outgoing President Farmajo announced that Prime Minister Roble failed to implement his mandate in the Somali elections.

What is behind the truth of this speech is that farmajo wants to cancel the elections and extend his term of office

This is how the goals of the outgoing president appear to us...

Farmajo's bad intentions were revealed, and the proof of this is his expulsion of the head of the Electoral Commission in order to stop the elections

Thus, Farmajo violates the laws, as he seeks to return to the presidency illegally after the amount of opposition he faces popularly

He called for an emergency meeting of the leaders of the regional administration and the Banadir region to discuss what he called "the electoral trend."

Farmajo's call shows that he is against the country's electoral process, and that he wants to lead the country illegally.

Although Roble had committed many frauds and frauds in the past for Farmajo, Farmajo preferred his interests and ambitions over his alliance with his counterpart Roble.

It is noteworthy that Farmajo uses the leaders of the regional administration loyal to him to amend the country's constitution and add provisions to implement the extension of his long-term goal.

And the dismissal of the head of the Independent High Electoral Commission proves that he does not want elections in Somalia, which he confined to ruling the country illegally.

The opposition, the union of candidates and the Somali people should reject all actions of the pharmacist who intends to extend the illegal extension.

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