Roble covers up Farmajo election theft - Dream Smart


Monday, November 29, 2021

Roble covers up Farmajo election theft


 PM Roble did not act against the complaints about Yassin Fary and Prof. Jawari seats, which Mohamed Ali Hassan had seized.He only instructed the Electoral Commission to issue a statement announcing the suspension of the two seats to silence the opposition for as long as possible.

Roble eludes the opposition, as no date has been set for a meeting of the Electoral Commission or National Shura Council in order to procrastinate & gain time until Farmajo gets the largest number of seats. The opposition must stop Roble of paving the way of Farmajo's re-election.

"Serious concern" over a lack of transparency in the ongoing elections and dissatisfaction with the current course of events. That's it? I think the opposition should take a stronger stance against Farmajo's encroachment on the rights of clans before reaching a civil war.

Roble eludes the Union of Candidates, as he did not set a date for a meeting of the Electoral Commission or the National Shura Council in order to procrastinate and gain time until Farmajo gets the largest number of seats, so Roble must be held accountable for what he and Farmajo are doing

Roble uses all means to steal seats for Farmajo, and perhaps more than Farmajo could do alone, with evidence that he could not assert himself last February when Roble was not on his side, so Roble must stop what he is doing so as not to lead to the destruction of Somalia

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