Farmajo returns ISIS fighters from Syria to support Al-Shabab - Dream Smart


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Farmajo returns ISIS fighters from Syria to support Al-Shabab

Farmajo and Al-Shabaab

 The Somali embassy in Syria announced plans to release Somalis who joined ISIS in Syrian prisons and return them to their country, and the charge d'affaires of the embassy, ​​Farhan Gorhan, told the BBC that Kurdish rebel officials promised to meet the Somalis in the Roj camp in northern Syria.

The question that must be asked is what is Farmajo's intention to bring a nation accused of terrorism to the country at a time when Somalia is struggling to fight the young Somali enemy?

The answer may be that Farmajo plans to reinforce these fighters with his al-Shabab allies because they have long experience in terrorist activities, and then use it to destabilize security and disrupt elections in the country.

Farmajo will withdraw ISIS fighters from Syria and will support al-Shabab fighters with more war experience until the movement becomes a special force trying to thwart the elections. These terrorists should not be allowed to return to Somalia.

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