There is international support for Roble's position against Farmajo. - Dream Smart


Monday, September 13, 2021

There is international support for Roble's position against Farmajo.

 Prime Minister Roble's efforts are making the elections go forward and this happened in the Senate elections in Somaliland and Hirshapel

UN Under-Secretary-General Amina Mohamed, on a visit to Mogadishu yesterday, issued a statement regarding the case of Ikran Tahlil Farah, a missing woman from Nisa.

 Amina supported bringing the girl's case to justice, which is in line with the case of Prime Minister Roble, the girl's family and most of the Somali public.

 "The rule of law and access to justice are important to protecting women from violence, and it is a right for all women," she said.

Prime Minister Roble thanked the United Nations for its support of the Ikran family, Tahlil Farah.

A statement from his office said: M. Muhammed Hussein Roble said that their responsibility is to bring justice to the family of Ikran Tahalil Farah, noting that the case should not be politicized.

 Talks between Farmajo and Roble broke down after Farmajo demanded that the Ikran family be compensated and the case closed, while Roble said a military court would investigate the case and bring it to justice.

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