There are noticeable splits in the ranks of Farmajo loyalists - Dream Smart


Thursday, September 16, 2021

There are noticeable splits in the ranks of Farmajo loyalists

 Farmajo will soon be alone after all of Hawla withdrew and revealed their truth. Zendoubi surrendered to the decision to dismiss him and Yassin Fari lost his old position as security director in Benadir and did not get the position of director of Nisa

It is necessary to put Fahd Yassin, Yassin Fary, and Abdullah Colani Jess on trial for their actions and their actions against the Somalis.

 Some hurricane force soldiers defected from Farmajo

 Several Somali National Security Agency officials said at least 15 soldiers carrying advanced weapons recently defected when deployed to the Haber Khadigo area of ​​the compound.

The defectors, who were originally members of Al-Shabaab and were rehabilitated in Serandi camp, Hamar Jajib district, are still missing.

 Various reports are circulating about these defected soldiers. The ark says some of the men decided to attack them and their weapons, while in the places that are in the capital’s neighborhoods, they made weapons and then returned

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