Farmajo's extravagance at his party for the Turks - Dream Smart


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Farmajo's extravagance at his party for the Turks

 The government, including Prime Minister Roble, oppose Farmajo's relationship with Turkey, and the evidence is Roble's failure to attend the party that Farmajo hosted with an lavish sum of state funds, despite the daily financial problems faced by the Somali people.

Instead of improving the lives of the Somali people, who suffered a lot under the leadership of outgoing President Farmajo, Farmajo spends the money of the state and the Somali people on a banquet hosted by Turkish officials loyal to him

The outgoing president hosted a dinner in honor of Turkish officials in Villa Somalia, at a time when the country and the Somali people are going through severe financial hardship, as evidenced by the faces of the poor in and around Villa Somalia.

He should have spent his money to persuade and improve his relations with Turkey, to disperse the elected people for whom he took charge, and he really failed to lead the Somali people.

Relations The regime of cowardice with Turkey has only benefited the Somali people through murder, repression, repression, looting and political isolation.

Turkey's alleged financial support for Somalia also falls directly into Farmajo's pocket, and is used to control and corrupt the country's elections, in order to bring Farmajo back to power.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roble, who returned from a trip to Egypt on Thursday morning, refused to attend the cheese ceremony in honor of Turkish officials.

The incident highlights the deteriorating relationship between Farmajo and Roble, even as the country prepares for parliamentary elections, and it may affect Farmajo's re-election hopes.

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