Farmajo imposes sanctions during the conduct of the elections - Dream Smart


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Farmajo imposes sanctions during the conduct of the elections

 Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has issued a decree declaring that while fulfilling his 'constitutional duty to protect the national assets and sovereignty of our country', a presidential decree has barred government institutions from entering into agreements. affecting the politics, economy and security of the country.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the national assets and sovereignty of our country, has issued a Presidential decree barring government institutions from entering into any agreement or agreement affecting the country's politics, economy and security.

The President, taking into account the political circumstances and the smooth running of the country's electoral process, the constitutional duty of the Houses of Parliament to verify, verify and evaluate our country's agreements and agreements with other countries, institutions and international companies issued the following:

1. Agreements with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) such as the Government and other executive bodies of international organizations, institutions and international companies have been suspended by Presidential Decree.

2. It is prohibited, until after the elections, that the Ministries and other government agencies enter into agreements or talks in the name of the Federal Government of Somalia that affect the future of the country, the sovereignty of the country, the land and sea of ​​our country.

3- It is forbidden to enter into trade agreements with other countries during the elections in the country.

4- According to a press statement issued by the President of the Republic on 19 January 2018 stating that public property can not be paid, and no agreement can be signed on the transfer, lease and any other procedure related to the benefit of public property.

5. The President of the Republic has instructed all government institutions to safeguard the dignity, nationhood and progress made in recent years.

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