Turkey's exploitation of Somali women - Dream Smart


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Turkey's exploitation of Somali women

 Turkey undertakes to protect Farmajo’s presence in power and its continuation in it against the strong opposition there to the extent that it prepared and trained special forces for this circumstance, called the Gorgor Forces, and now Farmajo sends women to train in Turkey instead of men, so what is the purpose of sending women

Farmajo allows Turkey to interfere in Somalia’s internal affairs and military affairs and sends women’s forces for training in Turkey, so what if something happens to them, can Farmajo help them or will he remain silent as he did with the forces that were sent to Eritrea

Turkey supports Farmajo because Farmajo is the one who opened the gate for them to enter the Horn of Africa and wants him to be re-elected again in order to extend its influence inside the Horn of Africa at the expense of the Somali people and some of the neighboring countries of Somalia

The continuous Turkish interference in Somali internal affairs must be stopped at the request of the Somali people

Turkey exploits Somali women and the Somali government is silent about these violations

Turkey exploits Somali women, and if they are attacked, Farmajo will not be able to help them, as happened with those who were sent to Eritrea.

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