Farmajo's attempts to obstruct the elections continue - Dream Smart


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Farmajo's attempts to obstruct the elections continue

 I wonder what some states loyal to the outgoing President Farmajo are doing to obstruct the elections, although it was agreed between all the states to hold the elections on a specific date, but Farmajo's interventions play their role in influencing some of the states that they control

How long will Farmajo continue to obstruct the holding of elections in the states loyal to him, and why has the Senate elections been suspended in the state of Hirschpel? Therefore, we ask the international community to pressure Farmajo to hold the elections and not to interfere in them

Farmajo is only interested in preserving his position, as he will not allow any fair elections to be held in all states, even in his areas of control, as he wants to remain in power for a long time

Hirshabelle government suspends upper house elections, even though committees have been appointed by speakers in Jubaland, Galmudug and southwestern parliaments. Senate elections are scheduled to start tomorrow for Jubbaland state

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