Farmajo seeks to thwart the investigation committee - Dream Smart


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Farmajo seeks to thwart the investigation committee

 Despite the many problems that Somalia is going through, and although the elections were supposed to be held, as was decided in the Mogadishu Agreement, the elections have now been suspended and postponed for another 4 months, and Prime Minister Robley has lost his credibility.

Somalia and its government have also lost their credibility from the international community, the international support has stopped and the international community has lifted its support for the elections due to the continuous delays, and now the confusion and pressure is being exerted on the Soldiers Committee in Eritrea

Since there is news that young Somalis are smuggled into it without any consent, but they are kidnapped there to fight in it. Farmajo is behind this and denies all the charges against him and is now pressuring the committee to stop the search for the soldiers and not reveal his truth.

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