Memories of Freedom & Situation in the Country - Dream Smart


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Memories of Freedom & Situation in the Country

 The people of the world governments have days with respect to the indicated days as times of freedom and times of the date of the traditional and the memory and history of their own to add value when they make celebrations and events looga discovered Prices and Respect for that Nation.

61 years later, Somalia will be celebrating the anniversary of the liberation of the flag from Western colonial rule, 61 years before the end of the 16th century Somali struggle for independence.

The atrocities perpetrated against the Somali people by the colonialists, such as killings, robberies, torture, imprisonment and many other insults against the people of Africa and the colonized countries of the world, have ended.

At a meeting in Berlin, Germany in 1884, the European powers, led by Britain, agreed that the continent, which was then inhabited by political and scientific peoples, had little to share with the West.

The European Union (EU) has stated that it will not allow any foreign country to enter the occupied territories unless it has a trade agreement with the European Union (EU).

However, Somalia, which has a large territory, was divided by Britain, France and Italy, and divided the mainland of Somalia.

The British occupied the Northern Provinces in 1884 although there were many explorations before that date back to 1836 when the British occupied the coasts of Aden in the northern provinces out of concern for the importance of its troops throughout the Gulf of Aden and the Eastern Province. in North Africa, Sudan and Egypt

The first places he landed in Marka were the ancient city of Seylac and Berbera.

The British troops in World War II in East Africa and the Middle East, mostly in Aden, Egypt and the Gulf of Aden in general, were interested in the deal and said we would have a secure trade and security relationship. So that other governments do not plunder your land, which came into force, although some of them were difficult agreements, such as the one in Seylac, when the elders signed a memorandum of understanding.

That the territory of Somalia was under the control of the British government at that time and that its troops could land on the coast of Seylac to Sahil Not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Somali people.To the elders and intellectuals of the land in the monthly wages only give Somali trade should be open to the world and no other government should step in and give them independence when they need it.

The people of Somalia for the first time are favored by domestic and military land were taken as a part of the country and people needed after 9 years of civilian government was in control of the qabyaaaladi plagued during the elections the people affected had for election at the end of last 83 attended the party was too looga may be inappropriate and was ashamed,.

The first five years of the revolution in the leadership of the country were laudable as we trace the history of the greatest achievements of the five years including the rescue of the community from the long drought, the campaign to eradicate illiteracy. benefited thousands of Somalis.

During the revolution, 38 ministries were established in the country, the largest of which was the Jowhar Isnaay Biyasa Sugar Factory, the Marere Sugar Factory, the Pasta Factory, the Cigarette and Tobacco Factory, the Oil Oil Factory, and the Afgooye Lab Factory, all of which were the largest in the country. it was sparked by a popular uprising to overthrow Siad Barre's leadership.

However, the revolutionary administration was overthrown at gunpoint in 1991, and the country was subsequently taken over by a coalition. This has resulted in many problems.

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