Farmajo's procrastination and his adherence to the rule will lead to the return of ISIS - Dream Smart


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Farmajo's procrastination and his adherence to the rule will lead to the return of ISIS

 Many fears and doubts about Farmajo's commitment to return to the decision to extend the extension and conduct negotiations. Previously, Farmajo's motives were preceded by his unwillingness to make any concessions to the political opposition and not yielding to its demands that would lose most of his political powers as he is delaying gaining more time and has not yet hand over power

The real reason behind the collapse of negotiations before is the procrastination and intransigence of Farmajo regarding solutions that require concessions within the framework of the constitution. Will Farmajo make concessions this time, or is it an attempt to absorb the anger of the Somali people and the opposition?

Saint Cheese and an illegal mandate to cause a rift between the armed forces, in which the independence of some government loyalists and opposed the continuation of the illegal cowardice, a different town could cause a civil war.

It is doubtful that Farmajo wants to hold free and fair elections in Somalia, he said when he abandoned the illegal extension that was rejected by the Somali people.

 Farmajo's call to return to dialogue and elections appears to be a setback and a diplomatic move to deceive the Somali people and consolidate Farmajo's rule.

 Meanwhile, the Turkish government is interfering in the Somali elections with the intention of hijacking and producing its cheese agenda, a corruption issue that will lead to civil war and destruction in Somalia.

 Farmajo is backed by the Turkish government with military and financial support, as they hope Farmajo will be a gateway to Somalia's natural resources.

 Al-Shabab terrorists also support Farmajo and his corrupt policies because they have special interests, and this is where the country will not wake up and the elections will not take place.

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