Somali police ‘stop’ BF meeting - Dream Smart


Monday, April 12, 2021

Somali police ‘stop’ BF meeting

 Police region, National Team Omar (National Team Joon) has recently announced that the military command was stopped by police in today's parliament, which was supposed to looga debate on the 2021 national elections.

Sadiq Joon said the Somali Police Force has a national duty to ensure general security and stability in Mogadishu.

General Police officials said the main reason for the meeting was suspended Parliament said, to prevent the country looga into chaos and violence.

"The Somali parliament has adjourned its meeting today, and we have suspended it because there is no need for looting and a political understanding has been reached," said the Benadir regional police commander.

He also pointed out that the parliament of Somalia looga need to go and local elections, as his term ended.

"I say to the Somali parliament, you have been in office for four years and four years are over. You have been elected and re-elected," he added.

He also noted that they would not allow an extension of time in the country that would lead to further delays and a return to civil war.

"We do not want an extension of 15 months that delays us for 15 years. We need to take collective responsibility," he said.

Finally, he sent a message to the Prime Minister of Somalia, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, urging him to play his role in the elections.

"I urge the prime minister of Somalia to take responsibility for his actions. People self-contradicting anything extorting do not open the back of the tent was open in the back to open ha-ha-out props ".

However, the decision comes amid fears that parliament will announce an extension for the president and other government agencies.

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