National Security Forum blames Farmajo for attack on army - Dream Smart


Sunday, April 4, 2021

National Security Forum blames Farmajo for attack on army

  A statement from the National Salvation Forum strongly criticized President Farmajo, accusing him of neglecting the national army, praising them for defending themselves against the forces that attacked Barire and Awdheegle, as well as offering condolences to the families of the dead soldiers.

The statement first said, “The Somali National Salvation Forum commends the bravery of the Somali National Army in repelling the Al Shabaab terrorist attack on their bases in Aw-Dheegle and Barirre areas of Lower Shabelle region. Madashu extends its condolences to the families of the CXD heroes who were martyred in the attack and wishes a speedy recovery to the officers and other soldiers injured in the attack. ”

The statement added, "Footage and reports of terrorist attacks on the Army show how the outgoing president has neglected the troops in the front line. It is also clear that he has deployed most of his troops to Mogadishu to suppress dissenting politicians. "Many troops, weapons and other anti-terrorism equipment have been transferred to Gedo region, fueling civil strife in the area, which has resulted in much bloodshed."

"Madashu also accuses the outgoing president of failing to fulfill his mandate of the Somali National Intelligence Service, which was tasked with providing information on Al Shabaab activities. Instead, it has been monitoring the activities of opposition politicians and the country's elections. "NISA's negligence has given terrorists the opportunity to attack troops on the battlefield or to carry out suicide bombings in Mogadishu."

According to the statement, Madashu makes it difficult to remove the army from the political arena, in order to fulfill its national duty and gain the support of all the people and politicians.

"The forum calls for the immediate deployment of reinforcements, weapons and logistics to the forces in today's attacked bases and other vulnerable areas, so that they can defend themselves and the civilian population from the enemies of the Somali people, the terrorists of Al. Al-Shabaab, ”concluded the statement from the National Salvation Forum.

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