Monday, March 15, 2021

New trick from Farmajo to postpone the elections

Farmajo's policy, which is based on lies and dictatorship, has become evident and the lies have become public and the attempts that Farmajo is doing with the help of the corrupt sector of the country, which is in fact a small sector but seeks to make Farmajo president by force, and they have claimed that Farmajo has become infected with the new Corona virus in order to stall More in the elections that Farmajo rejects.

 How can the people believe? It has been said that the state is dealing diligently to fight the emerging virus and has succeeded in these challenges, and the state has responded to those efforts that it has made. How can a president who undertakes these efforts become infected and become a bed sitter overnight. Those are all rumors that they use to gain more time.


 The health sector in Somalia must not be silent on the farce caused by the oppressive Farmajo, and they must understand the satanic games instead of being invalid like our time.

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