Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Is Turkey really going to send medical aid and vaccines to the Somali people, or are there other goals behind that?


Erdogan interferes in Somali affairs and the elections' consultations. This is the issue of the Somalis, and Turkey has no entry into our country. Erdogan aims to support Farmajo's ally, not to stabilize the Somali situation and hold fair elections.


 Turkey promises void promises. Its statements about helping the Somali people and giving us the vaccine did not speak to a malicious Erdogan hiding his ambitions in the wealth of Somalia behind the aid, as he wants to control our country.

 The Somali people reject Turkish interference in the homeland's issues. Turkey's statements about interfering in the election consultations between the government and the opposition, we will not accept it because it is the cause of the Somali people, not the Turkish.


  In recent years, the Turkish government has been expanding politically and investing in Somalia with great ambitions for our country.


  Turkey pretends to be a supporter and supporter of Somalia, but the truth is that it is greedy for the Somali lands by choosing economic and strategic means.

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