Thursday, March 25, 2021

Has Farmajo succeeded in shining a light on Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe?

Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, in collaboration with pro-regional presidents, has drawn up a plan to shed light on the presidents of Puntland and Jubaland.

According to sources, President Farmajo and the presidents of Galmudug, HirShabelle and Southwest administrations agreed to attend the Afisyon conference in Villa Somalia on Sunday night despite a boycott by Puntland and Jubaland leaders.

The plan is to make the international community feel committed to reaching an agreement, and for the international community to view the meetings as opposed by Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe.

Farmajo and the pro-government regional presidents once again held a meeting in Afisyon on Tuesday and Wednesday, posing as a solution, with Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe leading the crisis.

Villa Somalia also released the agenda of an unpopular meeting on Sunday night submitted by the international community. The agenda was incomplete and Villa Somalia submitted only to look at, she smote off it to the media, to looga carreysiiyo Deni Ahmed.

Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe, backed by a coalition of candidates, are at war with President Farmajo and his allies, who are desperately trying to enforce the wishes of the outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

People with experience in politics believes that the absence of Ahmed Said Deni and the plan worked Villa Somalia looga aim to show the anti-choice country, to pressure the international community.

However, it is unclear whether the plan will sell out to the international community, as the concerns of Said Deni and Ahmed Madobe are legitimate, and the international community's statements have been addressed directly to both sides.

Recent reports suggest that efforts are underway by various Somali and foreign parties seeking Somalia's interests.

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