Farmajo prevent the candidates from defending themselves - Dream Smart


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Farmajo prevent the candidates from defending themselves

 Farmajo's government cracks down on presidential candidates

Farmajo's government is determined to prevent the use of weapons to protect presidential candidates by treating the country's leaders as civilians knowing that a series of assassination attempts have been made, such as that of Abdirahman Abdi-Shakur.

Abdirahman Abdi-Shakur said: "If our security guards are protected at the stadium, our candidates, including presidential candidate Muhammad Abdalla Farmajo, and others like them, will be allowed." That seems to be "injustice and inequality. Why did we have to rely on airport security?"

These and many other actions are being suppressed by Farmajo, who appears to be a dictator with a vested interest in elections and to single out all opposition parties in an illegal manner.

The Somali people will not be silent on this issue and we are scheduled to demonstrate at Makkah Al-Mukarama Square in Mogadishu next Thursday and Friday.

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