The threatens to Simalia government because of it's evil acts - Dream Smart


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The threatens to Simalia government because of it's evil acts

 US Ambassador Threatens to Somalia Government

Yamamoto has sheegqy US effort and cost spent in elections xummaatayna threatens the progress that's been made out of the window, the strong camp.

The US ambassador to Somalia, Donald Yamamoto, said in a statement that Al-Shabaab was planning to attack the Lower Shabelle region, Ballidoogle base and Mogadishu and destroy all the progress made last year and the achievements of the Somali army. AMISOM and other partners.

He spoke directly to the opposition candidates, demanding that there be no other electoral process, and told the Federal Government that any delay in the elections would not be accepted and that the consensus would be implemented.

Today's controversy in the country is due to the fact that the committee appointed by the Farmajo government, which is made up of Somali intelligence, has been rejected by all opposition and religious leaders and the public

Despite the end of the civil war in Somalia, Farmajo is determined to return the country to 1991 and devastation

Pharmacist is not interested in reforming the 
country, but in his own interest

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