Al-Shayab movement seeks destruction and killing in Somalia - Dream Smart


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Al-Shayab movement seeks destruction and killing in Somalia

 Al-Shabab executes a man and cuts off another's hand for theft

Al-Shabaab carried out the death sentence against Abdullah Abdi Othman (47 years), whom it accused of killing the teacher of Awais Arbu Muhammad.

The execution - according to the Al-Asimah News Network - took place in the "Cuneo Pro" area in the Lower Shabelle governorate, adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu. The judge of the Al-Qaeda-linked movement indicated that Othman was found guilty of killing the aforementioned.

On the other hand, the youth movement in a public square in the town of “Adam Ybal” in the central Shabelle region, north of the capital Mogadishu, cut off the hand of the 18-year-old Mukhtar Muhyiddin Muhammad, who accused him of stealing an amount of 2,600 Somali shillings

It is noteworthy that Al-Shabaab executes people it accuses of committing murder or espionage for foreign parties, as well as cutting off the hands of those it condemns for theft.

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