The suffering in Banadir from explosions - Dream Smart


Saturday, November 28, 2020

The suffering in Banadir from explosions

 Banadir Governor's Threats and the Post-Explosion Message

Benadir Governor and Mogadishu mayor Omar Mohamed Mohamud Filish on Thursday addressed an unprecedented statement from the candidates' union.

Mayor threatened strongly suggested opposition statement on Thursday said that the opposition they deserve to be struck by the place to see and to daliishanaya passages that are known religious organization without looga learn a position of the Federal government or dowladkale It can be interpreted as saying that the government itself or Al-Shabaab members are involved in such acts and this came as a shock to anyone who listened to the statement from the governor of Benadir region and the government.

Chairman Omar Filish described the candidates as hypocrites who deserve to be shunned and killed anywhere, posing a serious threat to the security of the candidates and the opposition in general. The biggest threat to Omar Filish's speech was posed by Somali lawmaker Mahad Salad, he said.

"Omar, put down the firearm that Fahad and Farmajo gave you. Put it on the ground and don't burn it!" Lawmaker Mahad Salad also said, “If you have a hearing ear, kill people and kill the mayor of the city hall where you are the chairman and pay the bill where the electricity is off for a week! “

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