More and more from Farmajo's government corruption - Dream Smart


Sunday, November 8, 2020

More and more from Farmajo's government corruption

Prime Minister appoints the electoral commission for Somaliland representatives


Somali Prime Minister Muhammad Hussain Robli appointed the electoral commission for Somaliland representatives in the two chambers of the next federal parliament.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister indicated that the 11-member committee will be responsible for managing parliamentary elections for Somaliland representatives in the next federal parliament

This comes at a time when Abdi Hashi Abdullah, President of the Senate of the Federal Parliament, opposed the government’s interference in appointing the members of the Electoral Commission for the representatives of Somaliland, stating that this threatens the independence of the electoral process, and demanding that the people of Somaliland be allowed to administer their elections in the same way as residents of other regional states.

The opposition political parties supported the position of the President of the Senate on appointing the members of the Election Commission that will administer the elections for representatives representing Somaliland in the next parliament, but the federal government did not pay attention to this, and the Prime Minister appointed the members of the committee

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