Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Farmajo's attempets to win the election

Farmajo's attempts to win the confidence of the people once again in order to secure votes in the elections.

Farmajo attempt to cling to the presence in power or appoint someone to follow his lead.
And he made two plans to do that

The first plan is : 
Farmajo issued a dispute between two tribes of the Hawiye tribe in Hir Shabila (Abghal and Hawadli) and succeeded at the beginning of his plan. Indeed, a dispute occurred in the presidency of the two tribes, Hirschbela state.

The second plan is :
It is to give the position of Speaker of the Somali Parliament to the other tribe that is Abgal and to ask them to leave the small state of Hershbeli and take the position of Speaker of the Somali Parliament by deceiving them by this to satisfy them
The real goal is to bring Faplace closer to the tribe that goes according to his whim by persuading the other to satisfy an illusion and a fake, especially since things are going in Somalia by dividing power according to tribes .. meaning every tribe has a person who is installed in a prominent and distinct place Farmajo is asking the Hawiyyah tribe to change their previous position to the prime minister with a tribe called Rahn Wayne 

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