Faramajo wants to remain in power - Dream Smart


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Faramajo wants to remain in power

Farmajo does not want to hand over power to Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Criticism of the Somali federal government's decision to select members of the electoral commission is growing. Government officials who spoke on the issue earlier said the appointment of the commission was illegal. The commission is jointly selected by the federal government and member states. However, the government has put together a list of people who are interested in becoming a commission

Former Somali federal president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in a statement that Farmajo did not want to run for office and hand over the presidency as it had been handed over to him and that it was not possible for such a commission to run in the election.

He went on to explain that the newly appointed commission is a fictitious commission that is not in line with the constitution of the federal government and this is not an election.

Somali opposition leaders are among those who have rejected the electoral commission, which is expected to officially begin its work soon. The commission is said to be "committed to working for the success of the incumbent president".More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

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