Saturday, October 3, 2020

Women in Somalia are in danger

 Somalia ... the worst place in the world for women

Women in Somalia move between beatings, violence, rape, humiliation and insults and no one take thier revenge 

Fermago suoport Al-Shabab despite of all they do with the Somali Women and the last crime is what they do with the lady which ordered to blow herself up to kill a man who stated to stay away from Al-Shabab 

And what happens in women is :- 

Violating all the rights of Somali women in Somalia. Women in Somali society have become unable to achieve any achievement in Somalia due to internal policies and external interference.

Violations against Somali women continue, even though women in Somalia make up nearly half of the country's population

Talking about cases of rape, murder and swindling, there is no help from the government, tribes, or sheikhs

Rape from a young age of up to 6 months by a policeman, and no one's voice comes out

In Somalia, there are no rights for women (beatings, rape, and insults). This is the nature of the Somali woman’s life

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