Somali women are a forgotten tragedy - Dream Smart


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Somali women are a forgotten tragedy

The suffering and violations that women suffer due to the presence of Fermago, and his and Fahd Yassin's support for the youth movement

Al-Shabaab targets the Somali woman and destroys her completely by killing, rape and insulting

Al-Shabab have done a lot about Somali women:-

The youth movement exploits women in terrorist acts and acts of violence they are known for and do not give Somali women their true value

All that Al-Shabaab does against Somali women of assault, rape and exploitation in terrorist acts as a result of Farmajo's permission to do you Farmajo is the one who lost all rights of Somali women

Somali women suffer and violate all their rights in Somalia. Women in Somali society have become unable to achieve any achievement in Somalia due to internal policies and external interference.

Violations continue by Al-Shabaab against Somali women, even though women in Somalia make up nearly half of the country's population Talking about cases of rape, murder and swindling, there is no help from the government, tribes, or sheikhs

Rape from a young age, up to 6 months old, by a policeman, and no one's voice comes outIn Somalia, there are no rights for women (beatings, rape, and insults). This is the nature of the Somali woman’s life

Unfortunately Somali women are a forgotten tragedy


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