Monday, October 19, 2020

Secret meeting, all its decisions destroy Somalia

The former Ethiopian military attache in Doha is considered a Qatari card and works for Qatar

Fahd Yassin, after Qatar appointed him head of the Somali intelligence, became the link between them and the Al-Shabaab movement, the head of terrorism in Somalia

This movement is funded by Qatar with the help of Fahd Yassin and with the approval of Farmajo. Therefore, in this meeting, it was discussed how to make the elections in their interest so that Farmajo would remain in power because he is facilitates their terrorist affairs.

Qatar guarantees Fahd Yassin's loyalty to her and that he carries out everything he orders. Therefore, it asks him to do everything that destroys Somalia, but the elections should not be in their favor, and Farmajo’s era full of corruption ends.

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