Qatar's disruptive role in Somalia - Dream Smart


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Qatar's disruptive role in Somalia

International reports reveal Qatar's subversive role in Africa

Some international security reports revealed the sabotaging Qatari role it is playing in the Horn of Africa with political and security breaches, the most recent of which was in Somalia, as a group of Somali intelligence officers undergoing military training in Doha, the Qatari capital, was revealed.

Qatar has strong influence in some African countries, especially Somalia, and because of this influence, it was able during the past two years to establish a terrorist network that specializes in recruiting Somali youths, for training to carry out operations in various African countries.

Qatar, during the past three years, entered Somalia from its widest gates, taking advantage of the state of poverty and deteriorating security, to attract a large number of Somali youth to terrorist organizations.


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